• 供僧衣节 2024 / KATHINA 2024

      敬啓 :

      马来西亚浮罗交怡幸运泰佛寺 WAT KOH WANARARM LANGKAWI(WAT LUANG PHOR KOON) 將于 27/10/2024 星期日 早上九 时庆祝 2024 年度師父圆满完成功德,解夏节(送袈裟日)。届时 26/10/2024 至 27/10/2024 将会有多名泰国高僧以及來自泰国大约一千名善信前來参与胜会。


      如有兴趣佈施粮食,供养袈裟,点祈福燈,或捐款建佛寺者,请在 25/10/2024 之前通过佛寺App或以下网址线上订购。

      To All Buddhist Devotees

      Wat Koh Wanararm Langkawi, Malaysia (Wat Luang Phor Koon) will be organising the Kathina 2024 festival on Sunday 27/10/2024 09:00am to celebrate the end of Vassa, the three-month rainy season retreat for the Sangha. From 26/10/2024 to 27/10/2024, many Thai Monks and around 1000 devotees from Thailand will be coming to join in the festival.

      All Buddhist devotees are cordially invited to attend.

      For those who wish to participate in donating food, offering robes, lighting blessing candles, and donating to Sima Hall construction, please place your orders online via the App or the following website before 25/10/2024.

      Click HERE to Order


      若有询问者可联络 / General Enquiries




      MAY 0124961128

      EDDIE 0124109568

      JOO 0124737332

      UNCLE LEE 0129752323